Cine Tirol Production Incentive

Cine Tirol offers a Cine Tirol Production Incentive in form of a non-repayable production grant. Production grants are awarded to selected film projects (Cinema/TV/Stream) after application review and are subject to budgetary constraints.


Cine Tirol Production Grant applications for feature films have to be made via the Cine Tirol Submission Tool before filming begins. Every applicant is required to get in touch personally, by phone or virtually (e.g. MS Teams, Zoom, Skype) with a Cine Tirol representative for an initial consultation at least 4 weeks before the application is submitted. Applications can be filed year round.

Production grants are contingent upon the economic effect of the production on the region (‘Tirol Effect’) and/or the thematic relation of the production to the region (‘Tirol Reference’). For more information please have a look at our guidelines.


Cine Tirol can also offer financial support for documentary films under certain conditions. The main criteria for a possible production grant for such projects are that they focus on the supra-regional natural and cultural landscape, are realised entirely in Tirol, have a minimum length of 45 minutes and can already be expected to be exploited (inter)nationally by means of corresponding contracts with broadcasters/distributors when the application is submitted.

Please note: Applications for such documentaries cannot be submitted via the Cine Tirol submission tool! In this case, we ask you to contact us directly before the start of filming for an in-depth informational discussion about the detailed guidelines for documentaries and about the further requirements for the granting of a production cost subsidy after a written application.


If you are still looking for competent and committed Tyrolean filmmakers for you project, please take a look at our "Crew & Facilities" database.

Are you planning to use resource-saving and ecologically sustainable production methods for shooting your project in Tirol? Then we would like to invite you to take a look at Green Filming Tirol

The Cine Tirol Film Commission welcomes and supports the Code of Ethics of the Austrian Film Institute.


Your contact

For all questions about a Production Incentive please contact

Helene Koller

Film Commissioner

Production Incentive
Gender & Diversity

t +43.512.5320-231
m +43.676.88158231
