Let’s ask …



Martina Wolf-Kuntner

Ho&Ruck is a socio-economic business that restores, repairs and resells used items and helps jobseekers prepare for a new career. 

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Angelika Pagitz

In an interview with Blickpunkt:Film: Sustainability is highly emphasized at Cine Tirol.

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Martin Baumann

Umwelt Verein Tirol makes a significant contribution to improving people's quality of life and preserving future opportunities for future generations.

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Dhara Meyer

TIROL 2050 energieautonom is a major change process that demonstrates how to tackle the energy transition.

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Gordon Koell

Since 2007, the Tyrolean company Pure Green Cosmetics has been developing certified natural cosmetics according to the strict standards of NATURE, COSMOS or NatCert.

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Jeannette Ziemeck

Advancing through knowledge and keeping alternatives ready: In conversation with Tirol's first Green Film Consultant Austria.

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Dietlind Rott

How EVERGREEN PRISMA makes the interfaces of knowledge, practice and exchange visible, accessible and usable for filmmakers in real terms.   

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Philip Gassmann

Producing films, TV programs, shows and events is a complex business - also for the environment. Green knowledge is the key to urgently needed change.

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Lisa Prazeller

The Climate Alliance Tirol is committed to environmentally friendly mobility, a sustainable lifestyle and a world that is adapted to the climate.

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Nina Hauser

With a guideline amendment and manuals, green measures are being implemented at the Austrian Film Institute and integrated in such a way that they become a matter of course. 

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Birgit Heidsiek

Thinking and acting sustainably - how the Green Film Shooting platform and the Green Cinema Handbook can help.

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Andreas Kranebitter

How the brand NOT MY FAVOURITE simply makes the Innsbruck-based model agency SP-MODELS 'greener'. 

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Martha Schultz

The personal commitment and love of doing can be felt in all projects - from the vegan cosmetic line MAGDALENA'S made in Tyrol to the car-free Gradonna****s Mountain Resort.

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Florian Gebhardt

As the producer of "SOKO Kitzbühel" he acts from deep conviction and wants to make a valuable contribution to maintaining a clean environment.

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Would you like to share your experience of Green Filming with us?

We are at your disposal for a further discussion!

Joséphine Kennel

Film Commissioner

Location Service
Crew & Facilities
Green Filming Tirol

t +43.512.5320-269
m +43.676.88158269
