Useful & helpful

In this area you will find helpful links on the following topics:


Choose consciously

The initiative uses a label compass to list more than 120 recommendable quality marks for sustainable products in Austrian trade.

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Conscious shopping

Purchasing goods via domestic shopping platforms can shorten transport distances and promote regionality.

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Calculate consciously

Austria's first filmspecific carbon calculator is now provided free of charge by the Lower Austrian Film Commission - LAFC.

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Invest consciously

In order to expand the green service sector and promote green filming, targeted funding for the environment, climate and innovation is needed - an overview.

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Consciously on the move

While in days gone by the mountains of Tirol could be accessed only with great difficulty, today the region boasts an excellent transport infrastructure, making it easy to get to for all visitors.

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Use electricity consciously

There is no film set without power supply. But using green electricity or temporary connections by regional providers, sustainable work can be done here too.

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You have questions about Green Filming?

We are happy to offer you our support.

Joséphine Kennel

Film Commissioner

Location Service
Crew & Facilities
Green Filming Tirol

t +43.512.5320-269
m +43.676.88158269
