Roman Schönbichler

Composer, Sound Designer and owner of Upperception Sounds


How did you get into film? What particularly attracted you to become part of this industry?

Like many, it was actually a coincidence for me. I originally wanted to be a singer/songwriter, but my neighbour on campus made 3D films and asked me to dub his term project. It felt like I had done it hundreds of times before. From then on it was clear to me that I would dub audiovisual productions. I continued my education accordingly.


What distinguishes Tirol as film region for you?

Tirol has a breathtaking landscape and is rich in people who also know how to put this impressively into scene. Working together at these heights also creates a special collegial working environment, which in my case has already resulted in several deep friendships.


We are curious: Tell us your favourite location in Tirol!

When you live in a country where one breathtaking location follows the next, it is actually impossible to choose an immediate favourite sport. For me, the Vals Valley has a special attraction – the topography, the history and the ‚wildness‘ impress me very much.


And now: The stage is yours! Please introduce yourself and your field of activity.

After an extensive musical education, I was excited when I could finally attend the first seminar for film sound. The opening there was that the screaming child in the TV stays in the TV if you don’t hear it. Only what is heard connects the mind to the visual information. This created a chain reaction in my mind – because apparently you can connect not only what you see in the picture, but also what you don’t see. The ear hears deeper than the eye can see far. And so it quickly became my passion to develop myself in exactly that.

My music and sound designs are sometimes inseparable as they flow into each other – I often use music to create space and use atonal elements to support the music. In doing so, I have had the honour of working for many well-known companies, organisations or individuals and creating something magical together. There is nothing more beautiful than a harmonious team, where each member contributes something that lifts the whole to new levels.

What is heard touches the soul and I am endlessly happy that I can work with exactly that and look forward to every new project.


Upperception Sounds
DI Roman Schönbichler, MA
Goethestrasse 10
6020 Innsbruck
Mob.: +43 699 11820488